Two postdoctoral positions in theoretical / computational condensed matter physics available at SISSA

Two postdoctoral positions will soon be available in Stefano Baroni's group at SISSA, Trieste, as detailed below. Prospective candidates are invited to send a manifestation of interest including a CV, a detailed description of their recent track record, and the identity of two senior scientists willing to provide a reference letter to Stefano Baroni (baroni at

1. Theory and numerical simulation of heat and charge transport in liquids, glasses, and strongly anharmonic solids

The successful candidate will take part in a vigorous research program aimed at developing new theoretical ideas and numerical algorithms to simulate transport processes in the condensed phase and to apply them to systems of fundamental and technological relevance. Some theoretical background to this program is available here.

The successuful candidate is expected to be able to work in autonomy and to interact profitably with a small group of brilliant graduate students and postdoctoral fellows; (s)he should be fluent in English and possess good communication skills. One of the following requisites and be willingness and ability to acquire the others are requested:

  1. Proficiency in classical molecular simulation;
  2. Proficiency in elementary equilibrium and off-equilibrium (linear-response) statistical mechanics;
  3. Some practice of artificial neural networks and deep-learning techniques;
  4. Ability to code in at least one high-level language (Fortran, C, C++, python);
  5. Keen interest in applications.

Theoretical developments will hopefully include: the use of artificial neural networks and other machine-learning techniques to both mimic inter-atomic forces and analyse data; furthering our comprehension and the use of gauge invariance in transport in general, as well as of topological effects in charge transport; the extension of all the above to quantum and mixed classical-quantum transport.

Applications may include exotic phases of water, planetary materials, ionic liquids, glasses, and liquid and solid electrolites.

This post is suitable for a brilliant young scientist even without prior postdoctoral experience. The initial contract will be for two years, possibly renewable for a third one. The salary will be fixed on the basis of the candidate's prior experience and qualifications, starting from slightly below 2,000 EUR/month after taxes and including good public health insurance. The cost of living and real estate in Trieste is moderate and the quality of life excellent.

2. Theory and numerical simulation of charge transfer and ultrafast dynamics at the interface betweed 2D materials and organic overlayers

The successuful candidate will take part in a joint theoretical/experimental research program in collaboration with scientists from the University of Trieste and the CNR IOM institute working at the Elettra synchrotron radiation center. A resumé of the project is available here. His/her tasks will include: interpret data from pump-and-probe experiments; help design new experiments aiming at different systems and processes; develop new theoretical ideas and implement numerical algorithms to study off-equilibrium quantum phenomena in materials.

This post is suigable for a brilliant young scientist able to work in large autonomy and in close contact with top experimentalits. Candidates with a prior postdoctoral experience will be given priority. The initial contract will be for two years, possibly renewable for a third one. The salary will be fixed on the basis of the candidate's prior experience and qualifications, starting from slightly below 2,000 EUR/month after taxes and including good public health insurance. The cost of living and real estate in Trieste is moderate and the quality of life excellent.